Creative Solutions
Intergenerational wealth planning helps ensure that knowledge, tradition and values are passed down from one generation to the next.
Shared Values
Family bonds are strengthened across generations as they identify and articulate their shared values around money and their goals in life.
Better Communication
The “My Family My Wealth™ ” Process helps families talk comfortably, share ideas, and develop healthy, productive, and ways to optimize their abundance.
Are you struggling with how to best communicate with and help your family in the most productive ways with your abundance?
- Conversations about family wealth don’t come naturally and aren’t usually easy.
- Patterns of avoidance and silence are deeply embedded and have been reinforced over many years or even generations.
- That’s why we created the “My Family My Wealth™ ” process.
My Family- My Wealth™ process
Bring the Family Together
Families need to come together and identify and articulate their shared values around money.
Identify Resources
Once the lines of communication are
open, families can begin to identify and quantify underutilized wealth.
Develop a New Process
Family ties are strengthened as they
develop tools for sharing abundance as
individuals and as a family unit.
We know you want to help your family flourish, as a whole, and as
individuals, now and into the future.
We understand what a difference it can make for you and your family to talk comfortably, share ideas, and jointly develop healthy, productive and caring ways to optimize the benefits of your abundance. We have seen how doing this helps ensure that knowledge, tradition, and values are passed down from one generation to the next and how it can strengthen family ties.
That’s why we used our 25 years of experience to develop the “My Family My Wealth™ ” process to help families identify and articulate their shared values around money; identify and quantify Underutilized Wealth™ or “abundance;” and develop tools for sharing abundance that help individual family members and the family as a unit to thrive and flourish.
We don’t just help families with documents. We help them find ways to develop a new set of habits, routines, and rituals to support the development of shared values, better communication and shared action. This allows the individuals and their monetary wealth to flourish. Here’s how we do it:
1. Learn about Your Unique Family
We take the time to learn about your family and what is
important. Who is it that you want to communicate with and how can we help you in that process?
2. Design a Process for
This is the time to identify and articulate your shared values
around money and your sphere of care overall. Who do you
care about and how can you use your wealth at the highest and best use to properly care for them?
3. Work with Your Family Every Step
of The Way
The “My Family My Wealth™ ” process is about unlocking your family’s human potential for individual growth, fulfillment, love, and actualization.
Academic Turned Entrepreneur
Family Opportunity Trust had already assisted siblings and siblings’ spouses to restructure educational loans and buy residentially.
David was the family’s academic while researching for his doctoral thesis, David discovered a new innovative way of impending medical imaging. When he presented and defended his thesis, his professors convinced David that he needed to develop this technology and take it to the market.
David and his mentor formed a company, of course needing to raise capital. David’s father reminded David that his parents had created the Opportunity Trust for just this type of eventuality.
The Opportunity Trust made a modest, but important investment in David’s new company. After several years and much hard work, David’s company was bought by a medical products manufacturer for many times their investment. The Family Opportunity Trust experienced a 471% return on investment. Far more importantly, medical science has advanced, medical imaging has improved, people's lives are saved, new jobs have been created, and David can continue his research and development endeavors.
- David
At Legacy Counsellors we understand that you want your wealth to help your family flourish, as a whole, and as individuals, now and into the future. In order to do that, it’s
important to discover an effective process for talking about and sharing your abundance.
The problem is, that conversations about family wealth don’t come naturally and aren’t usually easy. Too often, patterns of avoidance and silence are deeply embedded and have been reinforced over many years or even generations. This can leave you feeling confused and anxious and unsure of how to best communicate with and help your family in the most productive ways.
We believe you should have the opportunity to find creative ways to help your family flourish with your abundance. We understand what a difference it can make for you and your family to talk comfortably, share ideas, and jointly develop healthy, productive, and caring ways to optimize the benefits of your abundance. We have seen how doing this helps ensure that knowledge, tradition, and values are passed down from one generation to the next and how it can strengthen family ties.
That’s why we used our 25 years of experience to develop the “My Family My Wealth™ ” process to help families identify and articulate their shared values around money; identify and quantify Underutilized Wealth™ or “abundance;” and develop tools for sharing abundance that help individual family members and the family as a unit to thrive and flourish.
Rather than just helping families with documents, we help them find ways to develop a new set of habits, routines, and rituals to support the development of shared values, better communication, and shared action to allow the individuals and their monetary wealth to flourish. Imagine what could happen if this process became a part of your family’s identity, passed down, and improved by, generation after generation.
Download our Free Guide:
“Top 5 Ways to Use Your Wealth To Help Your Family Flourish”
Download our Free Guide
Top 5 Ways to Use Your Wealth To Help Your Family Flourish