Famed sportscaster Craig Sager’s children were cut out of their father’s will and subjected to taunts on social media, as they seek to move on with their lives after his death.
Kacy Sager, the daughter of sports reporter Craig Sager has been defending her brother, Craig Sager II, in response to unpleasant social media comments and an article written by her stepmother that she says glosses over some unflattering realities.
Yahoo Sports recently published an article, “Kacy Sager slams stepmom, sheds light on ugly Craig Sager estate drama,” that says the former sports reporter, best known for covering the NBA for TNT, died on December 15, 2016 at age 65 after battling leukemia.
Sager had five children in two marriages, and there were no reports of family estrangement. The younger Sager even wrote a loving recollection of his father for Sports Illustrated after his father’s death. They also wrote a book together, while the elder Sager was suffering with his terminal diagnosis.
However, daughter Kacy Sager released a statement that shed some light on the family dynamic and left no doubt how she feels about her stepmother, Stacy.
Kacy described an ugly situation surrounding the death of her late father, detailing how her father and stepmother started an affair while Craig was still married to her mother. She accused her stepmother of preventing her from seeing her dying father during his last days, as well as excluding her brother from being involved in family matters—despite his twice donating bone marrow to his father.
Kacy derided a story that Stacy wrote for The Players’ Tribune about her love affair with Craig for ignoring the fact that they began their relationship, while Craig was still married.
She also came to her brother’s defense for a moment of public honesty about the estate.
What both Kacy and her brother emphasize is that they were never contesting their father’s will or looking for money. She describes the anguish and sorrow created by the actions of the stepmother, excluding them from important family events and trying to revise the story of their father’s life to serve her own agenda. It’s a no-win game.
Reference: Yahoo Sports (January 3, 2018) “Kacy Sager slams stepmom, sheds light on ugly Craig Sager estate drama”