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Estate Planning

You worked a lifetime, it’s time to protect
what you have built for those you love.

Real Estate

Protect your investment, protect your home,
protect your future.

Your Estate Planning Law Firm You worked a lifetime,
protect what you have
for who you love.


Our Values

One of our cornerstone values is protecting our clients' assets and enhancing the legacy they leave behind. As such, while we help clients preserve and protect their assets during their life, the vast majority of our clients' heirs enjoy the benefits of asset protection from divorcing spouses, business failures, car accidents, and other creditor claims, by inheriting the wealth their parents pass down in trust.


Topics that can help you

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How An IRA Trust Can Protect Your IRA Beneficiaries

Done correctly, an IRA Trust offers certain protections for beneficiaries and allows you to exert some control over the distribution, giving you peace of mind. For couples who find themselves…

Legislators Warn Medicaid Managers About Impact of Slow Payments

There’s a big gap between what the agencies are reporting and what the private Medicaid managers and Iowa’s Human Service are saying. Legislators are not at all pleased. In Iowa,…

Problems with Power of Attorney: Be Prepared

It is not unusual, but that does not make it any less frustrating when a bank representative says they will not accept a valid power of attorney. Ask any estate…